Positively good news
Have you noticed how some of the most fascinating conversations and discussions can occur spontaneously, leaving you feeling grateful for having been in that place at that time, and not rushing off to 'get things done'...? I've had loads of great, inspirational and motivational conversations like this and sometimes make myself just stop and be, enjoy the moment and see what happens.
I had one such conversation at the weekend, sitting in my garden eating a deliciously full fat brunch with my boyfriend. We started chatting to a neighbour over the fence, philosophising about the emotional connection to physical well being and good health,(nothing to do with full fat brunches!) and moving on to the general impact of positivity on the health of the nation, in fact, the world. Which led us to the media... and the dangerous influence they have over our lives.
I really do believe that our current recessionary times are made far far worse by the constant bombardment of the latest bad news about our economy, how much longer it will last than everyone thinks, how we are all doomed. And what effect does this have? However upbeat people may have felt when they got up in the morning, seeing the sun shining, the start of a brand new day, by the time they've sat on a train, in a car, read the latest news or heard it on the radio, they will arrive at their place of work feeling thoroughly miserable and thinking how they must cancel their plans for lunch because it's too much of a risk to spend the money or venture into the community outside, when by all accounts, if the recession doesn't get you, swine fever will.
I'm not suggesting the media should simply stop reporting on world events, but can't we add a bit more 'however...' to these stories? I wonder how a social study would look if everyone had the choice of picking up either the Positive News, or the Negative News. Same stories, different approach. I guarantee we would start seeing signs of 'recovery' far sooner if more people reached for the Positive News. More money in circulation, rather than beind hidden under the mattress (because it's not safe in the bank, we all know that..!); more innovative businesses being created as a result of redundancy; more investment; more smiling faces; more happiness!! And isn't that what we're here for..? To be HAPPY?!
So come on, you journos, editors of media - take responsibility for the part you are playing in this. There is more at stake here than the downfall of a political leader or party, it's the health of the nation, and in more ways than one!
And as for the rest of us - hesitate as you watch the tv, listen to the radio, or read the newspaper... Hold a little of your acceptance back, receive the news with a questioning mind: I hear this, and I wonder what else is behind this snapshot of a story; this information is not the whole of my reality; I will leave the house with a determination to contribute to raising the positivity in the world around me; I will smile at the first person I see; I will smile at everyone! I will help others to look for solutions instead of focusing on problems and I will actively look for things to feel good about...
If you're interested in this subject, I found some interesting articles at Helium.com
Hi Amy,
I totally agree with you on this! There needs to be more positivity in the world, more so now than ever. All the media seems to focus on is the doom and gloom - its no surprise so many people are diagnosed with depression and stress related illness. Lets hear some good news stories please people!
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