Wednesday, 19 August 2009

The Law of Attraction

Have you heard of The Law of Attraction? Do you believe in it, or do you think it's a load of rubbish? I mean, how can it possibly be true that all you have to do is 'ask' and you can achieve anything - recovery from illness, new relationship, financial security, the house of your dreams... the list, of course is endless.

I grant you, it is hard to believe, but the evidence is that it works. People who know what they want and believe they can achieve it, are always heading in the direction of their dreams - and they have also, consciously, or unconsiously, 'asked' the Universe for help.

'The Secret', book and video, published in 2006, isn't the first documented evidence of The Law of Attraction, but it has introduced the idea to many more people with a strong marketing campaign and powerful word of mouth response. I highly recommend a look at both the book and DVD and encourage anyone to test its claims. A simple way of doing this, is asking for parking spaces... on your way to a meeting or the supermarket, 'ask' for a parking space in a spot convenient to your plans, and imagine parking your car with ease. I swear it works every time for me!

I recently tested The Law of Attraction on something much bigger. You can read about this in my July Newsletter, and get some additional tips and links on how to apply The Law of Attraction, and useful websites. I had such a brilliant reponse to this newsletter, that I have collated and published some of them in a separate email, with permission from contributors.

Even if you're sceptical, you have nothing to lose in trying it out, and everything to gain by giving it a go.

Happy manifesting!