What is it that you're not noticing...?
Our mind is an incredible piece of equipment. As we go through the day, it gathers information without us even realising it. I saw a film on the television the other day, when someone had to try to remember something. I can't remember the name of the film (although the information is in there somewhere!), but it was one of those save the world situations where a bomb had to be disabled and in order to recall the correct number sequence our hero had to use all his powers of concentration to search his memory. He brought the 'picture' to mind and the world was saved for another day.
I had a similar, if not so dramatic experience yesterday. I had decided to send out an e-letter to a select number of contacts I had picked up at the One Life Live exhibition. The content was directed specifically at this group, but I hadn't realised that I'd made a mistake when creating the bespoke recipient list, and it ended up going out to the whole of my mailing list. So, apologies to anyone who wondered why they were receiving it! Interestingly, the first people to respond didn't seem to notice or mind, but as soon as I received their emails I realised what had happened. As my stomach lurched with the realisation, a picture flashed into my mind of the bespoke list, with the box beside it stating the number of contacts. Had I registered this at the time, I would have been alerted to the fact that the list was too long, but whilst my subconscious mind had received and stored the information, my conscious mind had dismissed it.
What strikes me most about this, is that we are far more capable and extraordinary than we think we are. We can do and achieve almost anything we want if we put our minds to it, even overcoming what we see as our physical limitations. If we don't know it now, we can learn it; if we're not fit enough, we can train for it; if we don't have enough funds, we can find a way to earn them. So, what is it that you're not doing because you have decided you 'can't'? Try replacing this belief with something motivating like "I want to do this. How can I achieve it?" Don't let some silly thing like your conscious mind put you off - reach into your subconscious and explore the very real possibilities.