Friday, 14 November 2008

Relaxation for creativity and healing

It sounds like a paradox, doesn't it? That relaxation can induce creativity, which sounds like an activity, and healing, which gives a sense of resting and recuperating. But it certainly does do both. In our busy lives, filling each moment with the activity of a human doing rather than a human being, we often don't reward ourselves with time for stopping, relaxing, that it is a luxury for holidays, or for people who can afford it. Not so, relaxation is essential.

When we have moments of creativity, Eureka Moments, as discovered by Archemides, they are invariably when our minds are relaxed, maybe walking in the countryside, lying in the bath, or just about to drift off to sleep. I used to keep a pad and a voice recorder beside my bed for these moments, when my mind had dismissed the day's To Do List and was enjoying a flurry of creative thoughts.

I had a creative flurry whilst out walking my dog in the rain yesterday, coming up with a title for a Coaching Programme I'm currently developing, and an article I want to write, enjoying the play on words as I kicked through the autumn leaves, watching Taya bounding about between the trees.

There are two people in my life who inspire these moments of relaxation. Emma Lane, a very powerful healer whose strapline is "Relaxation is a vital ingredient to health and well being," and Patrick Lucocq, a clinical hypnotherapist, who runs a Eureka Moment workshop.

Emma now resides in Devon, lucky girl. She is by far the most powerful healer I've ever met and is also a lovley person to know. If you're interested in her work, visit her website at

I went to one of Patrick's workshops at The Drawingroom this week and had a really wonderful night's sleep. He will be running 2 more workshops there this year on 3rd and 10th December. Patrick's website is

Enjoy your weekend, find time to relax, let your mind go, your body will be grateful and you might come up with the next big idea for Dragon's Den!


Sentiment said...

well i did just that Amy, and its amazing how you get back on track when you relax and switch off for a while!