Judge not... we all make mistakes
It's so tempting isn't it? To take the high ground when someone does or says something wrong. In fact, we do it without thinking. We make a judgement. We stand aloof and virtuous, pointing our finger at the 'bad person' - the one who has fallen from grace. How do you feel in that moment? Outraged? Superior? Justified? Smug? A little bit of all of the above...? Be honest!
And I bet whilst your judgements are running through your head, you're thinking, "I would never do a thing like that!" That's surely the implication anyway. Ask yourself the Byron Katie question: "Is that true? Is it really true?" In their shoes are you absolutely sure you wouldn't have done or said the same thing? At the very least, you might have considered it.
We ALL make mistakes, we are all human, and humans are the most fallible creatures on the planet. Perfect? Not me!
Forgiveness and compassion are far worthier responses, and I'm sure they carry better karma.
Think twice before you cast that disapproving glance or share the news of someone's misfortune.
Judge not... it could be you next time.